Tuesday 3 May 2011

Location Shots

While I was completing my storyboards for 'TimeOut', I got a rough idea of whereabouts I wanted to do filming, and how I wanted the areas to look:

First off; is the WBS Drama Studio, which I used to shoot the News Reporter Scene & the Interrogation Scene. I thought this kind of space would be adiquate because I'd be able to learn more about lighting the sets I'd use that would require different kinds of lighting.

For the Interrogation Scene, I wanted the Studio to look as if where the Crime Lord (Ignatius Santoso) was talking with D.I. Grant (Me) seemed to be a rundown, abandoned factory with little or no lighting whatsoever: In order to do this, I left on a few of the overhead lights as seen in the background, while I had the other lights at a very dim tone; just shining over where I sat as Grant.

I also shot round the side of my house, as it seemed to create an alleyway, where literally anything can happen; a cat could've gotten intot the shot, or the witness (Max Gilbert) would've been noticed and possibly killed by the unknown figure (also Me) who followed D.I. Grant, assaulted him, and drove him away in a car...

When Grant was thrown into the car, I played both parts in the scene, but tried to disguise the unknown figure as I was also playing him, so I made sure that my head wasn't in any shots at all; and the result turned out to be successful.

The scene where the Witness is interviewed was filmed in a corridor at WBS, as I wanted the Witness to seem young, naive and rather scared of what he saw; and for all I know, he might not've gone to school, but I wanted some feeling of familiarity about my Film Opening when it was finished.

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